“ efficiency and happiness must be, and normally are, travelling companions in well-managed companies”.

The next 17th October Luis Galingo will visit Salinas and will give us a conference about motivation.
Luis Galindo sells excitement, optimism and hope with the strengh of his word. He travels around the world and gives conferences about positive psychology. He is a kind of “coach”for team leaders who, thanks to their smart optimism, succeed in this time of economic recession.
He has launched a campaign through social networking entitled “Remotivate”, in which Galindo sends “pills” of excitement to the opinion leaders:
With the leitmotif “there is no work or small task” Salinas has proposed this full day of training to all its workers.
We all need daily motivation in order that the organization functions, and to reconcile working and family life in a positive and constructive way.
Its is a fact that the times of economic crisis affect psychologically to the people who are suffering that crisis, the rise of emotional disorders, anxiety, insomnia… either by suffering the effects directly or by the insecurity and fear which the possibility of losing your job causes.
The negative view of the future is probably what seriously affects us.
For that reason, the human capital of the companies constitutes one of the major assets for the company, we have to cultivate the notion of belonging to a group of people who move forward and promote as a profitable company.
The demands of the markets have become harder in these times, the response capacity and the time to market have become shorter, the quality control is now more exhaustive, the prices are more affordable… It is necessary that all the people in the organizations are aligned with the objectives and motivated not to fall in front of the barriers.
In the year 2000 we attended a conference by Juan Miguel Villar Mir, entitled “Efficiency and Happiness”: “ efficiency and happiness must be, and normally are, travelling companions in well-managed companies”.
Since then, this idea is a part of the corporate culture of Cartonajes Salinas.